const modal = Modal(options)


Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
title modal title String -- --
content modal content String, JSX, SFC -- --
theme theme color String rgb, Hex #a3a7e4
animation {type: animationType, duration: milisecond} Object -- {type: 'shutter', duration: 300}
footer modal footer Boolean -- true
confirmText confirm button text String -- confirm
cancelText cancel button text String -- cancel
className modal class name String -- --
closeBtn modal close icon on the right top Boolean -- true
closeOnEsc close modal on Esc press Boolean -- true
confirmOnEnter confirm modal on Enter press Boolean -- false
mask whether display the mask Boolean -- true
maskClosable modal close on mask click Boolean -- true
maskStyle mask style Object vue style object --
modalStyle modal style Object vue style object --


methods of modal instance

show the modal and return promise

hide the modal

destroy the modal


smv-modal listening three events that pass from the content component.

Event Name Description example
confirmModal hide and confirm the modal this.$emit('confirmModal', { type: 'custom', data: data })
cancelModal hide and cancel the modal this.$emit('confirmModal', { type: 'customCancel', data: data })
setCloseable wether the modal can be closed this.$emit('setCloseable', false)
Last Updated: 9/15/2018, 2:05:34 PM