SFC is Single File Component, which you can simly regard as .vue file. We can insert non-props SFC as modal content, and it work pretty well.

import ModalContent from './ModalContent.vue';

const modal = Modal({
  content: ModalContent

HTML String

We can insert HTML String by using SFC, because modal will treat the string content as plain text.

simple code here

  • ModalContent.vue
<h2 class="modal-content" v-html="htmlContent"></h2>
export default {
  data() {
    return { 
      htmlContent: '<b>Hi</b>'
  • main.js
import ModalContent from './ModalContent.vue';

const modal = Modal({
  content: ModalContent


If there are form in SFC, in our case is ModalContent, we want to get form fields value after clicking confirm. In that case, smv-modal will check the form property of your SFC data.

So you will get form data of ModalContent after clicking confirm of the modal.

Let's see the example below.

  • ModalContent.vue
<input v-bind='form.name' placeholder='enter your name'/>
export default {
  data() {
    return { 
      form: {
        name: ''
  • main.js
import ModalContent from './ModalContent.vue';

const modal = Modal({
  content: ModalContent

modal.show().then(result => {
  // if user input name 'myname' and click confirm
  // will console { type: 'confirm',  form: { name: 'myname' }, trigger: 'confirm' }

Fully Replace Modal with SFC

In some cases, you may want to validate or other things. And It's hard to complete these things by just set a form property.

In such a case, we can set modal footer false, and implement the cancel and confirm action by ourself in ModalContent using event.

  • ModalContent.vue
<button @click="handleCancel">cancel</button>
<button @click="handleConfirm">confirm</button>
export default {
  methods: {
    handleCancel() {
      this.$emit('cancelModal', { type: 'cancel', mes: 'mes' });
    handleConfirm() {
      this.$emit('confirmModal', { type: 'confirm', data: 'data' });

In this way, you can control the modal cancel/confirm action by youself and do somehting like validation or whatever you want before cancel/confirm action.

Last Updated: 9/15/2018, 2:05:34 PM