Theme and Animation

There are modalStyle and maskStyle in Modal options, so we can change modal and mask style using those options.

const modal = Modal({
  title: 'Style',
  content: 'test',
  modalStyle: {
    width: '500px',
    minHeight: '360px'
  maskStyle: {
    zIndex: '999'

Override Style

If the modalStyle and maskStyle can not satisfy the requirement, You can directly override the style. smv-modal provides a class .override for this. Here is the template(scss or less):

.smv-modal.override {
  // your code
  .smv-modal-mask {
    // your code
  .smv-modal-container {
    .smv-header {
      // your code
    .smv-content {
      // your code
    .smv-footer {
      // your code

BTW. You can use className options.

const modal = Modal({
  title: 'hi',
  content: 'all',
  className: 'red-modal'

and then {
  // your code


There are few animation in smv-modal. But you need to import the css to use it except the shutter animation. It's in order to minify the package size for the people that do not need all the animation css.

animation type list:

  • shutter
  • zoom
  • slideLeft
  • slideRight
  • slideTop
  • slideBottom
import Modal from 'smv-modal';

import 'smv-modal/dist/zoom.css'; // import it if you need
// import 'smv-modal/dist/slideLeft.css';
// import 'smv-modal/dist/slideRight.css';
// import 'smv-modal/dist/slideTop.css';
// import 'smv-modal/dist/slideBottom.css';

const modal = Modal({
  content: 'animation',
  animation: {
    type: 'zoom',
    duration: 500 // mili second

Custom Animation

Or you can custom animation by yourself, here is an simple example.

const modal = Modal({
  content: 'animation',
  animation: {
    type: 'customType',
    duration: 500 // mili second
  • css file
.smv-modal-customType-enter {
  from {
    // your code here
.smv-modal-customType-enter-active {
  // your @keyframes
.smv-modal-customType-leave {
  to {
    // your code here
.smv-modal-customType-leave-active {
  // your @keyframes

BTW. You may find some useful animation from animate.css. Which is an awesome animate library.

Last Updated: 9/15/2018, 2:05:34 PM